Fiona Thompson

Grade: Senior
Friends: Lia, Jake, Don, Her Conscience

Our plucky heroine. Fiona lives with her Dad and stepmother Elizabeth (her mother died when she was young). They insist upon a good Catholic education. What Fiona's getting is a sense that everyone at West Catholic is out to get her. Which is partially true. A group of kids, including Sarah, use her as their scapegoat for their bad behavior. Sister Mary believes them and gived Fiona hours of detention cleaning the bathrooms at school.
Fiona's life doesn't seem to be going so well. To deal with this, she doesn't pay any attention to her real life and focuses on her daydreams to get her through the day. But Lia, a new girl next door, is changing that.

Fiona is a bit shy, but brave when she needs to be. After so long having no one to listen to her or take her seriously, she doesn't stick up for herself much. But when it comes to others, she defends them at any cost. She likes her alone time, though now that she has friends, she makes lots of time for them. She's a bit low-key, but Lia has ways of breaking her out of her shell.

Random Fact About Fiona: Fiona's white hair streaks are actually natural!